instant story hour

Instant Story Hour with Martin Shoemaker Thursday!

by | Jul 8, 2024 | Writers of the Future, Writing | 0 comments

This is a crazy busy week for me writing-wise!

See this post about the book signing I’ll be doing in Burbank, California.

Can’t make it to sunny SoCal?

Check out the Instant Story Hour with Martin Shoemaker this Thursday 5p PST! Yours truly is the guest. I’ll try not to torture Martin too much with my prompts.

Or maybe I will. All part of the fun!

If you can’t make it live, don’t worry, I’ll follow up with the Youtube link. 🙂

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And cute dog pics. 

You’ll also receive an eBook of The Alchemy of Science and Mystery short story collecction as a thank you!


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